Introduction to Perl
Saturday, April 17, 1999
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Sarnoff Corporation Auditorium, Princeton, NJ
Cost: $90 (Princeton ACM/IEEE-CS members), $100 (non-members)
This workshop provides a practical introduction to Perl by showing common patterns of usage. You will learn how to manipulate text, process data, calculate, program, and write CGI scripts in Perl.
Perl ("Practical Extraction and Report Language") is a multi-purpose programming language. It was initially designed for doing text manipulation and report formatting, but it has become increasingly popular for Web-based applications. The majority of the server-based applications -- many of the applications that use the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) -- are written in Perl, because of Perl's flexibility and portability.
Perl is an easy programming language to learn: beginning Perl programmers can start small, using a simple subset of the language. Since Perl is an interpreted language, small Perl programs can be written and tested rapidly -- this makes it easy to experiment with small modifications to existing Perl programs. There are also a large number of standard Perl library modules that help programmers do many tasks.
Prerequisites: This course is designed for people with no previous experience with Perl. Because Perl includes aspects from Awk, C, Shell, and Unix, participants who have experience with them will probably pick up Perl more rapidly than others.
After this course you will be able to write and execute a Perl script. This workshop includes the following topics:
PRINCETON CHAPTER OF ACM/IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY SPRING 1999 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SEMINAR REGISTRATION FORM The registration fee includes the seminar course notes, lunch, and morning and afternoon coffee breaks. If you also want to obtain a copy of the supplementary textbook (Perl 5 Interactive Course by Jon Orwant, an 800 page book with a CD-ROM), you can check the appropriate box below and add $45 to your course registration fee. Confirmed registrants will be notified by mail, provided registration is received at least one week before the seminar. Attendance is limited - register early. Name ____________________________________________________ Business Affiliation (or School) ________________________ Address _________________________________________________ City, State, Zip ________________________________________ Telephone ( ) _______________________ Check if address is: [] Home [] Business Seminar date: Apr. 17 Seminar topic: Introduction to Perl Late Registration Fee (after Apr. 9): [] $10 Regular Registration: [] $90 (Princeton ACM/IEEE-CS member) [] $100 (non-member) Textbook (optional): [] $45 (Jon Orwant's book Perl 5 Interactive Course) discount price -- list price of the book is $49.99 Total Fee Enclosed: __________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ____________ Please make check payable to: PRINCETON CHAPTER OF ACM Mail check and form to: Princeton Chapter of ACM Treasurer, P. O. Box 1324, Princeton, NJ 08542 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: information number (609) 924-8704 Dennis Mancl (908) 582-7086 email: WWW: