Building Interactive Web Sites
Saturday, April 25, 1998
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Sarnoff Corporation Auditorium, Princeton, NJ
Cost: $90 (Princeton ACM/IEEE-CS members), $100 (non-members)
The World Wide Web has changed the way people think about computers and the way information is shared. It has popularized the Internet and along the way become a great equalizer. Now anyone with a basic understanding of the HyperText Markup Language (HTML), the lingua franca of the Web, can put together seemingly sophisticated Web sites without making huge investments of time or money.
Of course, not only has HTML become somewhat more sophisticated since its inception, but entirely new technologies have been developed to be used along with it. These technologies include Common Gateway Interface (CGI -- actually as ``old'' as HTML), JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheets, streaming audio, and streaming video. Such technologies serve to enhance the user experience either by enabling more sophisticated user interaction, by enabling more consistent information presentation, or by increasing the forms in which the information can be presented.
This seminar provides an introduction to many Web technologies and shows how those technologies can be used to create personal (or business) web sites. The course includes the following topics:
Jeffrey Esakov ( is a Member of the Technical Staff at Sarnoff Corporation (formerly David Sarnoff Research Center). He has a MS from the University of Illinois and has done additional work towards his Ph.D. at the University of Pennsylvania. At Sarnoff, he has led a team that developed tools for Web-based distance education. He has been utilizing the resources available on the Internet long before it became cool to do so and contributed to the development of the original Plainsboro.COM web site.
PRINCETON CHAPTER OF ACM/IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY SPRING 1998 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SEMINAR REGISTRATION FORM Please complete the necessary mailing information and enclose the total registration fee with this form (or copy). The registration fee includes all seminar materials, lunch, and morning and afternoon coffee breaks. Confirmed registrants will be notified by mail, provided registration is received at least one week before the seminar. Attendance is limited - register early. Name ______________________________________________________ Business Affiliation ______________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________ City, State, Zip __________________________________________ Telephone ( ) ___________________________________ Check if address is: [] Home [] Business Seminar date: Apr. 25 Seminar topic: Building Interactive Web Sites Late Registration Fee (after Apr. 17): [] $10 Regular Registration: [] $90 (Princeton ACM/IEEE-CS member) [] $100 (non-member) Total Fee Enclosed: __________ Signature: ______________________________ Date: _______________ Please make check payable to: PRINCETON CHAPTER OF ACM Mail check and form to: Treasurer Princeton Chapter of ACM PO Box 1324 Princeton, NJ 08542 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: information number: (609) 924-8704 WWW: Dennis Mancl (908) 582-7086 email: