A Java Tutorial

Saturday, October 26, 1996, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
David Sarnoff Research Center Auditorium
Cost: $90 (Princeton ACM members), $100 (non-members)

Java is the new programming language for Internet applications from Sun Microsystems. Java can be used to create standalone applications, or it can be used to create ``applets'': small graphical programs that can be run under the control of an Internet World Wide Web browser. This seminar will be an introduction to Web programming using Java. The course includes the following topics:

This seminar is geared toward people with some programming experience, but previous experience in object oriented programming is not assumed.

About the speaker:

Dennis Mancl is a member of the object oriented technology consulting group at Bell Labs (now part of Lucent Technologies, the telecommunications equipment spinoff from AT&T). He received his Ph.D. from University of Illinois for work in programming languages for parallel computers. He has been working for the last fifteen years in various parts of AT&T, in factory automation, C++, and object oriented technology.

ADVANCE REGISTRATION REQUIRED - fill out the form below.


Please complete the necessary mailing information and
enclose the total registration fee with this form (or copy).

The registration fee includes all seminar materials, lunch,
and morning and afternoon coffee breaks.  Confirmed
registrants will be notified by mail, provided registration
is received at least one week before the seminar.
Attendance is limited - register early.

  Name ________________________________________________________

  Business Affiliation (or School) ____________________________

  Address _____________________________________________________

  City, State, Zip ____________________________________________

  Telephone  (        ) _______________________________

  Check if address is:       [] Home  [] Business

  Late Registration Fee (after Oct. 17): [] $10

  Regular Registration: [] $90 (Princeton ACM/IEEE member)

                        [] $100 (non-member)

  Total Fee Enclosed: ______

  Signature: ___________________ Date: ________

  Please make check payable to: PRINCETON CHAPTER OF ACM

  Mail check and form to: Princeton Chapter of ACM
                          Treasurer, P. O. Box 1324, Princeton, NJ  08542

  INFORMATION: Princeton ACM information number - (609) 924-8704
               web page -
               Judy Stehling - email
               Dennis Mancl - (908) 582-7086, email