Digital Cinema: The Future of Filmmaking?
AMERICAN CINEMATOGRAPHER magazine is one of the oldest and most respected movie industry technical periodicals in the world. The August 2000 issue devoted their Film Forum page (134) to the question, "When Will Film Be Dead?" The facing page (135) is entitled "ASC Statement on Digital Cinema". Is the industry that was founded on the chemistry of emulsions, now embracing digital technology, which stems from television and the physics of exciting electrons? How is this relationship affecting the present and what might it mean in the future for all moving image professionals?
On September 21st a powerful panel, including editors and contributors for some of the world's leading media technology trade publications, will convene at the Sarnoff Research Center in Princeton, NJ, to discuss the revolution of digital cinema.
EXCLUSIVE CLIPS FROM RECENT DIGITAL WORKS WILL BE SCREENED ! THIS EVENT IS FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! STUDENTS ARE WELCOME! THERE IS NO ADMISSION CHARGE! REFRESHMENTS ARE SERVED! Date: 6:30 PM, Thurs Sept 21, 2000 Location: Sarnoff Corp. Auditorium, Princeton, NJ Routes 1 and 571 (see Directions below) MEETING SPONSOR: UNITED MEDIA ENTERTAINMENT Brian McKernan Editor, Videography magazine Editorial Director, Miller Freeman PSN Video Division Phone: (212) 378-0414; Fax: (212) 378-2160, Information: Moving Image Professionals (MIP) / Princeton Chapter of ITVA / Media Communications Association (MCA) Vince Wright, 609-518-7646,
Art & Technology -
SCOTT MARSHALL is a Digital Cinema Engineer, writer, speaker, historian,
filmmaker, and presently creator of a multimedia project for Nickelodeon.
He worked on Sarnoff's Digital Cinema project and was publisher and editor
Scott is presently a Contributing Editor for WIDESCREEN REVIEW magazine and has published articles on movie technology for Widescreen Review, Modern Maturity, the book "Film Presentation in the 21st Century" and Audience Magazine. He was Guest Speaker for the Princeton ACM in spring 2000 for his presentation entitled "Digital Hollywood." Scott is also a researcher, location scout, and historian for the upcoming documentary "The Cinerama Adventure." He was on the Advisory Committee for Cal State's 1997 Widescreen Film Festival.
Scott's primary interest is in the interplay between the art and the technology in motion pictures and how the features and limitations of various advances in film and video technologies affect the storyteller's art.
Digital Production -
BRIAN McKERNAN is the Editorial Director of the Video Division at United
Entertainment Media, which includes VIDEOGRAPHY, TELEVISION BROADCAST, and
GOVERNMENT VIDEO magazines and their websites. He is also the U.S.
Editorial Director of TELEVISION BROADCAST/EUROPE and the U.S. Executive
Editor of CONTENT CREATION EUROPE. McKernan is currently launching a new
magazine, DIGITAL CINEMA, which will debut in October.
Prior to joining VIDEOGRAPHY McKernan served as Television Editor at BROADCAST MANAGEMENT/ENGINEERING and Assistant Editor at OMNI magazine. A former broadcaster, McKernan has contributed to the books "The Age of Videography: Twenty Years That Changed the Way We See Ourselves," "The Guide to Digital Television," "HDTV: The Policies, Politics, and Economics of Tomorrow's Television," and "Producer to Producer: Insider Tips for Success in Media."
Digital Post -
KEN McGORRY, Editorial Director of POST magazine will discuss approaches to
digital editing and the digital edit suite. Ken McGorry has been covering
the digital revolution for POST Magazine since 1988 and was made Editor in
1989. Ken is now Editorial Director/Associate Publisher of POST, which was
acquired by Advanstar Communications in 1998. Today you can also see POST,
and Ken, on their new Website,, which now streams
video coverage of the post world.
Digital Projection -
PETER H. PUTMAN, Sr. Contributing Editor for VIDEO SYSTEMS magazine and
Contributing Editor for MILLIMETER magazine, will talk about digital
projection and distribution. Peter has authored technical articles and
columns since 1980 for publications that include Video Systems, Sound &
Video Contractor, Millimeter, and Electronic House magazines on topics such
as large-screen projection and interfacing technology, electronic cinema,
HDTV, DVD, and screening/presentation room automation and design. He also
contributes reviews and features to, the premier consumer
electronics website.
Pete is well known for his exclusive annual in-depth review of the Projection Shoot-Out. at INFOCOMM; a project that requires over 5 hours of viewing time during the three-day trade show and the subsequent grading of over 100 display devices in nine different performance categories.
He also performs numerous hands-on reviews of projectors, monitors, scan converters, line multipliers and video scalars at his studio in Doylestown, Pennsylvania. These reviews appear on his web site ( as well as in magazines. Peter also conducts beta tests of new projectors and displays.
He is a member of the International Communications Industries Association (ICIA), The Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE), Society for Information Displays (SID) and holds certifications from the ICIA (Certified Technology Specialist) and the Imaging Science Foundation (ISF).
DIRECTIONS Sarnoff Corp. is on Routes 1 and 571, at the Penns Neck circle / Washington Road From Route 1, take Route 571 towards Hightstown, one block Turn left at Sarnoff sign Sarnoff building is straight ahead two blocks At building, turn left to Auditorium, right for additional parking Sarnoff: See maps and directions: