Extreme Programming and Agile Processes
David Laurance / Dennis Mancl
Princeton ACM/IEEE-CS talk
December 19, 2002
How do we organize the job of software development?
Introduction to XP
Planning an XP project
Pair Programming
Agile Processes – when you can’t use XP
Chaotic software development process
Development process #1: start writing a program, ship it when it is finished
works kind-of OK for a small problem and a single developer
it’s mostly what you did as a student
managing the process is pure guesswork
can’t use this process for big software problems
Waterfall software development process
Development process #2: create a team, follow a well-documented process
with fixed milestones
managing the project is easier
lots of time “wasted” writing documentation
need good understanding of the requirements
testing often gets short-changed
sometimes turns into a “death march”
Typical “waterfall” development process
1) collect and document all of the system requirements
2) produce a set of design documents
3) write code that implements the pieces specified in the design
4) integrate all of the pieces and test to make sure the system satisfies
the requirements
5) package the system and ship to the customer
Iterative software development process
Development process #3: analyze a little, design a little, code a little
(Boehm “spiral process”)
more difficult to manage, hard to know when you are “done”
you get to deliver early versions of the most important features, get customer
feedback quickly
you can get by with less documentation
it is easier to react to customer changes
Methodology: the set of ground rules that a software development
team uses to organize their work:
a heavyweight methodology has many rules, practices, and documents
a lightweight methodology still has some rules, but they are chosen
to be easy to follow
Extreme Programming
Extreme Programming (XP) is a lightweight process
Ground rules:
small team (2 to 12)
continuous access to customers
OO design and code (Smalltalk, Java)
change management system (code and tests)
the system is always “working” (growing functionality over time)
overall development cycle – between 4 and 12 months
new release to customer every 2-3 months
internal iterations every two weeks
not for life-critical systems (heart monitor, nuclear power plant, avionics
systems, etc.)
Some Rules of Extreme Programming
Planning rules
do project planning via “user stories”
plan a series of very small internal releases
start each day with a “stand-up meeting”
Design rules
keep the design simple (use the simplest thing that could work)
refactor as needed
Coding rules
talk with the customer throughout the coding process
always code in pairs
code unit tests first
follow coding standards
Testing rules
unit tests for all code
acceptance tests for each user story
Information on XP
Extreme Programming Explained (Kent Beck)
Planning Extreme Programming (Beck and Fowler)
Questioning Extreme Programming (McBreen)
Web sites:
A day in the life of an XP developer
First thing in the morning: developer attends a stand-up meeting with the
rest of the team (10-15 min)
developer chooses a task (part of a user story); chooses a development
partner for the day
Developer and partner sit together and do the development work for the
write new unit tests, check them into the change management system
write new code, check it in
fix things that need to be changed in existing code; rerun the unit tests
run the new unit tests; run the acceptance tests for the user story
Developer goes home at 5:00 (no overtime)
Planning an XP project
User Stories
Capture requirements “in the users’ words”
Small, discrete, testable
Include scenarios
May include business interactions outside system
“Planning Game”
Users own stories
Developers set and own estimates
Users set priorities – “business value”
Joint goal: group stories into iterations
Business value
“Worst first”
Planning an XP project
Interview the customer; write user stories on index cards
Developers give development estimates for each story
estimates in “ideal person-days”
estimates based on experience with similar problems
If a story is too big, split it into smaller stories
Create a release plan – list the stories in each release
highest priority or “risky” items early
Track execution of the plan
Post the user stories on a bulletin board (in time order)
Check off each user story after the code is complete and the acceptance
tests have passed
Examples of User Stories
see http://www.c2.com/cgi/wiki?UserStoryExamples
Pair Programming
One important practice in XP: all code is reviewed as it is written
how does pair programming work?
two developers, one workstation
one person is the driver, the other is the navigator
the navigator suggests design alternatives, checks for conformance to coding
standards, prevents driver from writing unreadable code
pair assignments usually change every day
reduces the need for elaborate design documentation
pair programming actually improves productivity
Pair Programming Experiences
“It’s sometimes harder work, because my partner makes me justify everything
that’s unclear or disagreeable.”
“It doesn’t seem to me that we’re productive at the time…but when we
get done, we find that we’ve written a great deal of code that we understand
and like.”
“I've had the pleasure to experience such a successful partnership
when my co-programmer and I have been on the same wavelength… However,
I've also experienced the other end of the spectrum where my co-programmer
has been a silent partner.”
Pair Programming Problems
Some people would rather work alone
“cowboy programmers” – you don’t want them on your team
Novice programmers slow down experts
novices will learn to enough to be able to modify and extend the expert’s
code later
“It’s too expensive”
pair programming avoids a lot of debugging and rewriting costs
XP Challenge:
How can you align individual interests?
Within the project?
Users, Developers, Coaches
Individual vs. Team success
Across the organization?
How will success be recognized?
What is rewarded in the corporate culture at large?
Is XP for everyone?
XP has four important values:
communication – XP can’t work if developers are unwilling to talk with
each other, or if the development team can’t talk with the customer
simplicity – in order to minimize the cost of constantly modifying the
code base, the developers must resist overdesigning, and they must refactor
the designs often
testing – the pace of development requires that complete automated testing
be used by the whole team
courage – developers must have the courage to make forward progress at
all times
Industry experience says:
need management buy-in and support from the customer
a “coach” for the team is a really good idea
Agile Processes
“Agile” is a generalization of XP
Examples of agile processes:
Crystal Clear
Adaptive Software Development
DSDM [Dynamic Systems Development Model]
Lean Development
Agile Manifesto
We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping
others do it. Through this work we have come to value:
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan
That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the
items on the left more.
Agile Alliance: http://www.agilealliance.org
Agile principles
Agile software development follows a small number of basic principles:
customer needs come first – so keep listening for changes in requirements,
don't reject new requirements just because “the requirements are already
signed off”
deliver software (and other artifacts) often – don’t wait for months to
get feedback
in the development world, people are more valuable than computer tools
– and face-to-face communication is the most efficient way to convey
complex information (both with other developers and with customers)
working software is the primary measure of progress
Agile characteristics
Most of the agile processes are “controlled chaos”:
short development iterations, with product “shipped” to either a customer
or a pseudo-customer at regular intervals
continuous testing – such as daily regression tests
collecting customer requirements using scenarios or use cases
small team sizes
informal modeling techniques – CRC cards, simple drawings on whiteboards
adaptive planning techniques – plans are updated based on intermediate
results and reprioritization by the customers
Agile versus XP
Most agile process are less radical than XP:
don’t require pair programming
multiple roles, not just “general-purpose developer”
various methods of iteration planning
existing heavyweight processes can be adapted to be more “agile”
Which agile process?
Scrum is a very general iteration management process, which can be used
in conjunction with any methodology
development activities are in 30-day “sprints”
Adapt existing processes
Crystal Clear
much lighter than XP, but the team must define their own “required project
see Agile Modeling by Scott Ambler for ideas
good for a team of 4 to 6 people
Books on Agile Processes
Crystal Clear: Writing Effective Use Cases (Cockburn)
Scrum: Agile Software Development With Scrum (Schwaber and Beedle)
Adaptive Software Development: Adaptive Software Development (Highsmith)
DSDM: DSDM, Dynamic Systems Development Method: The Method in Practice
Lean Development: Lean Development: A Toolkit for Software Development
Managers (Poppendieck)
Web sites on Agile Processes
XP: a radical software methodology for small teams
planning by user stories
pair programming
continuous integration; unit tests for everything
developer centered processes
minimal design documentation
need an “on-site customer”
Agile processes
Agile is not as radical as Extreme
still a lot of emphasis on iteration and communication